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University laboratory pollution should be highly regarded
Release time:2012-12-18
With the development of higher education and the improvement of university science and technology innovation ability, laboratory in colleges and universities teaching and research activities more frequently, the laboratory waste gas, waste liquid, solid waste emissions increased dramatically, the pollution problem is increasingly protruding. Many of university laboratory emissions of hazardous waste is highly poisonous "three to" (mutagenic, cause deformity, carcinogenic) pollutants and acid, alkali compounds, and a lot of harm to the environment of organic solvents, if the "three wastes" of the untreated material directly into the underground pipe network or mixed with household garbage, the harmful material in hazardous waste after a long-term accumulation of the surrounding water, atmosphere, soil and other environment causing serious harm.
Qingdao city CPPCC, Qingdao university medical college affiliated hospital of obstetrics and gynecology, director of ji new strong believe that relevant parties should improve the understanding of the laboratory sewage management work in colleges and universities, the university laboratory, proving ground sewage into the scope of supervision and management of the environment. We will establish a sound management system for university laboratories to achieve stable and standard emissions. Laboratory should be registered on a regular basis, and summarize the laboratory reagent amount and type of procurement, archiving, check and submitted to the local administrative department of environmental protection, scientific research laboratory teaching activity production and the discharge of waste gas, waste liquid and solid waste, noise and radioactive pollutants, should according to the requirements of the competent administrative department for environmental protection of report and registration, collection, transportation and disposal. When purchasing hazardous chemicals in the laboratory, we should actively sign the recycling agreement with the sales company for chemical containers and expired drugs. Each laboratory should avoid to use poisonous chemical experiment, must use, should follow the "buy now in now, how much to buy how many" principle, the purchase, usage, inventories are to keep the lowest level. Promote the use of low toxicity, low reagent, replace the toxicity, harm serious reagent, actively explore the toxic experiment into no poison, promote recycling, will be produced by an experiment on the hazardous waste is used for the next experiment, as far as possible to reduce the generation ofhazardous waste. At the same time, the "three wastes" material produced by the laboratory must first be processed by itself and meet the national emission standards. His treatment can not meet the national discharge standards must be strictly classified collection, placed in a safe place, to ensure the safe storage, and periodically compile lab collection situation of "three wastes", establish the archiveson hazardous waste storage and disposal.
The department should establish laboratory waste water and waste water treatment center as soon as possible. Because the experiment of each laboratory is very different, the nature of the waste liquid is quite different from the production, and the composition of pollutants is different. It is neither economical nor realistic to require each to deal with. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the audit of the experimental projects and try to eliminate the experimental projects that seriously harm the environment. It is inevitable that there must be corresponding protection measures and harmless treatment schemes. The laboratory must strictly implement the environmental protection examination and approval system for construction projects, and shall not be built or used without approval. Strictly according to the regulations of the relevant environmental management system of the country, the certification body authorized by the state certification authority shall submit the application for certification through the  environmental management system. The experimental field should establish an environmental pollution accident prevention and emergency system and report mechanism, formulate emergency plans for environmental pollution incidents and provide emergency preparedness to prevent the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents. Adjustment, change the use of property or abandoned laboratory, laboratory, proving ground, should be after eliminate pollution hazards, register put on record, to the local
environmental protection department shall not be abandoned drug and has contaminated sites, buildings, equipment, vessels and other transfers to do not have pollution conditions of enterprises, units or individuals to use, the discarded toxic hazardous solid waste, waste liquid and so on.